Hello! Here are some things that may be useful to know about me and the work I do.

I am passionate about  helping people share their stories, speak their truths, and become better writers. I value both the art of writing and its capacity to support growth by enabling people to discover more about who they are and how they’ve lived.

I am a facilitator, writing coach, and freelance writer and editor.  A former high school English teacher at an American school outside of London and a former instructor of Freshman Composition and Creative Nonfiction at the University of New Hampshire, I have a master’s degree in nonfiction writing and over 25 years of teaching experience.

Listening, asking good questions, and making connections are at the heart of my work. Helping people gain clarity about what they think and mean to say is one of my goals.

I combine the support of a coach with the rigor of an editor to expand a writer’s toolbox and ability to express herself with greater effectiveness and precision.

I enjoy both the in-depth focus of my one-on-one coaching sessions and the shared stories and real connection in my writing workshops.

In addition, I value my work as a Scholar Facilitator for the Maine Humanities Council, fostering meaningful, thought-provoking discussions through books with a variety of different groups–library reading groups, women in prison, English language learners, veterans, and those who support victims of domestic violence.

Other roles that inform my work:

  • Facilitator of Life Writing workshops for cancer patients at York Hospital.
  • Reiki Master. The energy of Reiki supports my overall focus on clarity, integration and healing.
  • Trained Hospice volunteer and Bereavement Group facilitator.

My memoir writing workshops are also offered through Pen Central.

I live in vibrant Kittery, Maine with my supportive husband Tim and my lovely 13 year old daughter, an avid reader who loves a good story.